Animals and Farmers

Meerkat Tree Foraging

Our meerkats are always looking for new adventures, and this year we’ve decided to give them a try at some tree foraging. We’ve added an old Christmas tree to their enclosure – … read more

Animals and Farmers

Walking Ted (The Highland Bull)

Some people walk their dog…for Farmer Dave he’s walking Ted, our Highland Bull, to get him used to the unusual and unfamiliar sounds of the farmyard. Ted has grown into such a … read more

Animals and Farmers

Giving Alice a haircut!

Vidal Phil is on hand to help get our ponies looking in tip top condition…and reluctant Shetland Pony Alice is next in line for a new look. But we aren’t convinced she’s … read more

Animals and Farmers

Bedding up the sheep!

Our ewes are getting closer to their lambing dates so it is now more important than ever to make sure they are bedded up correctly – and that means more straw than … read more

Animals and Farmers

A new arrival!

We’ve got one of the most perfectly marked Swiss Valais lambs that’s just been born at Cannon Hall Farm. In Farmer Darrell’s words ‘a cracking start for lambing 2023.’

Animals and Farmers

Ruby’s Grooming Trick

Our pregnant Shire Ruby is getting to the end of her pregnancy and is feeling a bit fed up with herself – she’s feeling all itchy and uncomfortable so her pal Farmer … read more

Animals and Farmers

Mucking out the pigs!

It’s one of the longest jobs we have to do in a morning – and one that can’t be automated by machines. What does it take to look after our pigs? Farmer … read more

Animals and Farmers

Silver is making moves!

Silver the Shire horse is due to give birth in March – but unfortunately Blossom is hogging all the food. We are temporarily moving her to our shire horse ‘maternity unit’ in … read more

Animals and Farmers

On the JCB

It’s just a few weeks to go before lambing begins at Cannon Hall Farm and our ewes are enjoying the pastures at Mill Spring – but our tiered lambing season means its … read more